Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cell Phone Courtesy

The invention and widespread use of cell phones has been both a blessing and a curse. While it is wonderful to be able to contact someone at any time, anywhere, these calls need to be limited while actually in the workplace.
My cell phone is a part of me in a way, i am never without it, but i like to believe that i am courteous with my cell phone use. I was happy to see that signs were put up in the VCU commons that prohibit you from being on your cell phone while ordering or paying for food or other items. This rude cell phone behavior is everywhere, but i have noticed that more and more i have been dealing with Employees on their cell phones while i was ordering drinks, or checking out, or more recently exiting the VCU parking decks.
I realize that during the summer time the parking attendants probably get bored with the slow volume of cars exiting the deck, but some of them have used this as an excuse to ignore those who are. I had one experience where the attendant was outside the booth chatting away on his phone when i pulled up, not only did he not stop his conversation, he continued it for several minutes while i sat patiently waiting. When he did return to the booth to take my money, he was still carrying on his conversation, i might as well have been invisible. All he had to do was call the person back or even put them on hold for the minute it took to take my money.
Its common cell phone courtesy to put the phone down when you are talking with someone else, and yet no one seems to care.

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